Children ages infant to 4-years-old
volunteer for children's church!
This class will introduce your child to the basics of Christianity, inviting them to make a confession of faith and, upon examination by our elders, join the church and be welcomed to take communion. We find that the materials and process are most appropriate for children 4th grade and older. We try to offer these classes every 2 years.
We invite children to participate in a packing party at Midweek during the fall.
Our children’s missions conference coincides with the 1st Pres Annual World Missions Conference for adults.
Say yes to VBS! We just love VBS at 1st Pres! Join us in the summertime for this children's ministry event and be sure to invite someone! Check out our Events Page for the latest information on VBS each year!
Our Sunday School departments plan gatherings for each age group: Nursery, PreK-K, 1st-3rd grade, and 4th-5th grade.
We make it our top priority in Kids’ Ministry to provide a safe environment for kids. Besides sharing Jesus with your children, our main goal is to be good stewards of them. We regularly revisit our policies and procedures to ensure this. Your children are in good hands! All youth and adults serving in this ministry are required to have a current background check. Additionally, child protection training and familiarity with and adherence to our church’s child protection policy are required of all. New volunteers and staff must complete an application process that includes providing references. Another critical component of child safety is our KidCheck child check-in and out system. You can create a KidCheck account HERE.
Check-in stations are located all throughout the Children's Wing: the Nursery, the PreK-K hallway, the 1st-3rd grade department, and the 4th-5th grade department. Wherever you check in your child, please make sure you walk them to their destination after check-in. Thanks!
The health of the ministry is very important to us. We ask that all parents/guardians whose children are joining us answer the following question each time they check in on their children: "Has your child experienced any symptoms of illness in the last 48 hours (such as fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, the new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or discolored nasal discharge, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, etc.)?" If you are unable to answer, “No” to this question for your children, we ask that you wait to join us until you are able to do so.
Mary Campbell will serve as our Interim Nursery Coordinator through the summer!