What takes place in the Nursery at 1st Pres is so much more than childcare!
We view this as a ministry and the very first of the building blocks of a person’s faith. The foundation of our covenant children’s understanding of who God is and what the Church is gets laid in the Nursery. We long to come alongside parents in discipling their precious babies and toddlers. The Nursery features the Sunday School ministry in which we share original Bible-based lessons as well as The Gospel Project for Kids. Childcare is also offered during both Sunday morning worship services as well as during Midweek and special events. Our time with children features singing songs of faith, Bible memory work, reading God's Word, and experiencing God's Word through a variety of play and activities. In the Nursery, your children will be surrounded by staff and volunteers who love Jesus and who want to help tell them about His love for them!
Our littlest ones will enjoy the safe and nurturing environment created by God’s grace through volunteers and staff. Your children are in good hands! All youth and adults serving in this ministry are required to have a current background check. Additionally, child protection training and familiarity with and adherence to our church’s child protection policy are required of all. New volunteers and staff must complete an application process that includes providing references.
We welcome children ages infant to 4 years old to the Nursery which is located at the bottom of the Children's Wing.
The health of the Nursery is very important to us. At present, for each child joining us in the Nursery we will ask the following question:
"Has your child experienced any symptoms of illness in the last 48 hours (such as fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, the new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or discolored nasal discharge, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, etc.)?"
Thank you for helping us protect others from sickness!
Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Interim Nursery Coordinator Mary Campbell Harris.
Thank you for entrusting your covenant children to us! We count it as a very great privilege!