At the heart of 1st Pres Women’s Bible Studies is the desire that we abide in Jesus, study God’s Word together, grow in our knowledge of God, bear fruit, bring glory to God, be blessed, and live in such a way as to show a lost world the beauty and truth of God's Word and His ways. Our spring semester will start September 10!
Study: Lessons from the Upper Room bySinclair Ferguson
Lessons from the Upper Room is an invitation to spend a few hours with Jesus’ disciples, listening to His teaching and overhearing Him pray - both for them and for you. It is based on John’s gospel, chapters 13-17. Here, in five chapters, we are given what a Puritan writer called “a window into Christ’s heart.” This vivid picture of Christ’s ministry, from His washing the disciples’ feet to His High Priestly Prayer, shows us the heart of Jesus. Discover His deepest desires for His people and take delight in the suffering Savior who has overcome the world. Gabe Fluhrer recommends this book and study.
Study: What Love Is: The Letters of 1, 2, 3 John by Kelly Minter
In this study of 1, 2, 3 John we'll take a look at contrasting themes such as walking in the light instead of darkness, truth versus lies and deception, loving God more than loving the world, and the meaning of true fellowship and community rather than shallowness. This study reveals not only the heart of John but also the heart of Jesus and encourages followers of Jesus to remain faithful to the truth.
Large group fellowship & teaching, small group discussion
2nd and 4th Tuesdays starting January 14
6:30 - 8:30pm in Room 403
Study: Contentment by Melissa Kruger
In Contentment, Melissa Kruger considers what it really means to be content: to place our trust in our good and sovereign God. God’s love for His people is unchanging, and He is using every detail of our lives to shape and fashion us into the image of Jesus Christ. As we look back to the cross of Christ and look forward to the hope of heaven, we will discover that ultimate contentment is found in Him.
Let’s have lunch is a laid back, bi-monthly study designed to encourage and equip you in your walk with the Lord. Bring your lunch and desire to learn as we gather around the table eat, learn, fellowship, and encourage one other.
Study: Ezra & Nehemiah: Israel Returns from Exile by John MacArthur
In this study, pastor John MacArthur will guide you through an in-depth look at the historical period beginning with Ezra's early return to Jerusalem, continuing through the teachings of Israel's prophets during the time, and concluding with Nehemiah and the people's rebuilding efforts in the city. Studies include close-up examinations of Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, and others, as well as careful considerations of doctrinal themes such as "Unequally Yoked" and "Worshiping God."
Teaching & group discussion
2nd & 4th Tuesdays starting January 14
9:45am – 11:30am in Room 200 (2nd Floor Children's Wing)
Study: Habakkuk: Learning to Live by Faith by Lydia Brownback
Though only three chapters long, the Old Testament book of Habakkuk overflows with plagues, violence, and pleas for deliverance. Why does God ever allow evil to flourish? That’s what Habakkuk seeks to understand, and as he waits for the Lord, he discovers that God is faithful to deliver his people from every trouble in his own way and time.
In this study we'll explore Habakkuk verse by verse, addressing the complex subject of God’s judgment and wrath. Each lesson will help us understand why God allows pain and illness, and how he deals with unrepentant sin and how to wait faithfully for God to answer prayer.
We will be using the Psalm of the Month as our study. We are a year-round evening fellowship and Bible study using the old Circle format of dinner, business, missionary updates, prayer, and Bible.
stay tuned for more information on our upcoming events!
1st Pres Women Leadership Team 2023
Starting left: Glenda Henegar (Treasurer), Dee Lapihuska (Past President), Marilyn Bonderud (President), Jay Dunn (Nominating Chair), Nancy Hill (President-Elect), Carol Schoner (Recording Secretary), Charlene Hatmaker (Communications Chair).
Not pictured: Elissa Clark (Hospitality & Special Events), Christy DyerGultom (Bible Study Chair), Deb Gruner (Hospitality & Special Events), and Lauren Tignor (Hospitality & Special Events).