Other sermons in the series

Sanctuary - The True Account of Jesus

Sanctuary - God in the Flesh

Sanctuary - The True Israelite

Sanctuary - The Master Calls the First Disciples
1st Pres Sunday Morning Livestream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Sanctuary - The Master's Call and Matthew's Party

Sanctuary - Jesus' New Community
1st Pres Sunday Morning Livestream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Sanctuary - The Citizen Christian

Sanctuary - Holistic Discipleship

Sanctuary - Fruits and Foundations

Sanctuary - Jesus, the Host and the Outsider

Sanctuary - An Honest and Good Heart

Sanctuary - Jesus and Spiritual Warfare
1st Pres Sunday Morning 11AM Live Stream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Sanctuary - Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
1st Pres Sunday Morning 11AM Live Stream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Sanctuary - Following the Anointed One
1st Pres Sunday Morning 11AM Live Stream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Sanctuary - A Glimpse of Glory

Sanctuary - Discipleship: Ordeal or Adventure

Sanctuary - What’s Coming to the World?

Sanctuary - The Seventy-Two Return

Sanctuary - You Go, and Do Likewise

Sanctuary - The Help, Thanks, and Wow of Prayer

Outside 9am - The Help, Thanks, and Wow of Prayer

Sanctuary - Leave, Lunch, and Look
1st Pres Sunday Morning 11AM Live Stream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Outside 9AM - Leave, Lunch, and Look

Sanctuary - Whom Shall I Fear?

Outside 9AM - Whom Shall I Fear?

Outside 9AM - Behold Your King

Sanctuary - Behold Your King

Sanctuary - The Look of Jesus
Maundy Thursday Communion Service from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Outside 9AM - The Church as Community
1st Pres Sunday 9AM Live Stream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Sanctuary - The Church as Community
1st Pres Sunday 11AM Live Stream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Sanctuary - The Church as Cause

Outside 9AM - The Church as the Body of Christ
1st Pres Sunday 9AM Live Stream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Sanctuary - The Church as the Body of Christ
1st Pres Sunday 11AM Live Stream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Outside 9AM - The Disciple's Path to Knowing Christ
1st Pres Sunday 9AM Live Stream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.

Sanctuary - The Disciple's Path to Knowing Christ
1st Pres Sunday 11AM Live Stream from 1st Pres Media on Vimeo.