Wednesday Night Ministry

2025 spring semester: January 8 – April 30

Take a break from your usual weeknight routine and join us each Wednesday for a refreshing evening of fellowship and spiritual formation! Families and friends will gather for dinner in the Fellowship Hall starting at 5:30pm, and electives for all ages start at 6:15pm! Electives include Children's Ministry and Children’s Choir (Nursery-5th Grade), Middle School Small Group*, High School serve opportunities, Adult Elective classes, Adult Choir, and Rapha Fellowship.

This semester, we are asking all families to register their children for nursery and/or Kids Quest (k - 5th grade elective) this semester.

*Middle School Youth have the option to join their peers in the Student Center for a free meal at 5:30pm, or stay with their families in the Fellowship Hall for dinner. Middle School small group starts at 6:00pm, instead of 6:15pm.

$6 adults & youth 12+,

$4 children 5-11,

Free children 4 & under

$20 max per family

Meal scholarships are available for church families upon request.

Meal Cost

  • Taught by Dick Cain in the Chapel

    Throughout history, God has used this practice to ignite believers with great zeal to seek, love, and serve the Lord. Augustine, an African Christian who lived in the 4th century, claimed his own heart was set on fire by the Psalms: “How they set me on fire for love of You.” It can be so for you as well! Join us in the Chapel and cultivate your relationship with the Lord by learning at the same school from which Jesus learned—the Psalms.

  • Taught by Joshua Adair in the Fellowship Hall

    We know from the Sermon on the Mount the blessedness that Jesus assigns to peacemakers. But any attempt at being a person of peace is met with the stark reality of wisdom necessary to handle conflict wisely. This is especially true in the context of marriage —nowhere is the need for wisdom in conflict clearer than with our spouse. Every conflict in marriage is an opportunity fraught with the chance to mishandle our closest loved one. This class will show us how to help our relationships flourish in God’s wisdom. Even if you are not married, the class will touch on topics critical to becoming a person of peace. So, please join us in the Fellowship Hall as we discuss how to be faithful stewards with the conflict God entrusts to us!

  • Led by Darrin Hassevoort in Room 231

    Now is a great time to join our Adult Choir! Whether you are new to choir or we are preaching to the choir, we would love for you to join us on Wednesday nights in the Choir Room (room 231) as we prepare to worship with and minister to our congregation in the Sanctuary.

  • Led by the Mercy Ministry in Rooms 209 & 210

    Join us in rooms 209 and 210 for a time to build relationships with neighbors in need. While conventional mercy ministry focuses on financial handouts, Rapha invites neighbors in need into healing relationships with a loving church family.

    Learn more about Rapha and how to join HERE.

  • High School students (grades 9 - 12) are invited to serve with the Children's Ministry during Midweek, starting at 6:10pm after dinner!

    For more information, contact Tiffany Dorizas.

  • Led by the Youth Ministry team in the Student Center

    Middle school students (grades 6 - 8) will gather in the Student Center for a time of fun, fellowship, and small group discussion! A free dinner is served starting at 5:30pm (or students can eat in the Fellowship Hall with their families), and small group starts at 6:00pm!

    (High School Small Group is on Sunday evenings from 6:30pm - 8:30pm)

  • Led by the Children’s Ministry Team

    In addition to fun and games, we will discover important biblical truths and gain a deeper understanding of Christ, the gospel, and the Christian life! Children pre-k – 5th grade will be divided by grade/age and alternate between teaching time and children’s choir.

    Infant – 2 years old should be dropped-off and picked-up by the same parent/guardian in the Nursery.

    Pre-k – 5th grade will be dropped-off and picked-up by the same parent/guardian.

    Please register your child for this semester's elective!

Elective Options