
Worship Times

9:00 AM contemporary

11:00 AM traditional

Each of our worship services offers a unique blend of music styles. The 9:00am service is more contemporary, while the 11:00am is more traditional. It is our prayer that the heartfelt expression of worship using music from a variety of styles will minister to the hearts of the people present, drawing a wide variety of people from many different backgrounds into a closer relationship with the Lord and a deeper connection within this local body of believers.



Frequently Asked Questions

First Presbyterian Church is seeking to be Christ's disciples and share His gospel with the world. We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). If you're brand new to the Christian faith, trying to figure out what it's all about, or if you've been a follower of Christ for some time, we would love for you to join us for a worship service on a Sunday morning.

554 McCallie Avenue Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402

We are located in the heart of downtown Chattanooga, adjacent to the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga’s campus. Our Sanctuary is located at the corner of McCallie Avenue and Douglas Street, across from Christ Episcopal Church and Fletcher Hall.

Free parking is available in three major church-owned lots:

Across McCallie Ave—entrances located off of McCallie Ave and Oak St. Spots are all free on Saturday and Sundays, and Mondays - Fridays church reserved spots are clearly marked and will require a day-pass from the church office to avoid a ticket.

In the rear of the church—entrances located off of McCallie Ave and Douglas St. On Sundays we ask that this lot be reserved for those who are handicapped.

Across Douglas St—entrances located off of Douglas St and Eighth St. Spots are all free on Saturday and Sundays, and Mondays - Fridays church reserved spots are clearly marked and will require a day-pass from the church office to avoid a ticket.

  • Our congregants come wearing anything from suits and dresses to shorts and sandals.

  • We encourage you to arrive at least ten minutes early to allow you to find parking and find seating. We have ushers available at all entrances of the Sanctuary to answer questions and help you find seating. If you are running late, don’t worry! We’d still love for you to join us!

  • We place a high value on children and encourage them to remain with their parents in the worship service. Though we are committed to having children in public worship, we do offer Children’s Church (dismissal is after worship before the sermon) for first grade and below, and have a staffed nursery available for infants and toddlers 4 and under (we suggest you park in the Douglas St lot and drop your nursery-age child off at the yellow banner before the service). Cry rooms and a nursing room are available off of the women’s bathroom behind the Sanctuary.

  • Our worship services typically run about an hour or so. We seek to be God-centered, dialogical, and covenantal. This simply means you will notice a pattern of God speaking to us in His grace and our response to Him in adoration, praise, listening, and praying. You can view the upcoming order of worship HERE.