Every week at 10:15am
A round-table discussion on the basic studies of Scripture following the Chalmers Center Guide. Currently studying The Jesus Storybook Bible.
Currently studying Colossians.
Invites current and rising college students.
Currently studying Isaiah verse-by-verse.
A launch-point for newcomers; no commitment expected. Current study topic is "The Foundational Book of Genesis."
Begins with group ice-breaker question, followed by a lesson. Currently studying the Sermon on the Mount.
A no-pressure, discussion-based class currently studying 1 Timothy.
Fellowship and prayer followed by a study of Lamentations.
Class dates back to 1924 and is named after legendary Sunday School teachers J. Park McCallie and Lee Anderson. Currently studying Hosea verse-by-verse.
An interactive class studying the book of Hebrews. Lessons are followed by a time of prayer.
Focuses on discovering “what sayest the Scripture.” Currently studying John MacArthur’s series, “The Rapture & the Day of the Lord.”
Part of the First Friends Ministry, welcomes international college students. Currently studying the Kingdom of God.
Current series is "Finding Your Identity in Christ".”
Youth & Children
Located in the Student Center across McCallie Avenue.
Located on the second floor.
Located on the first floor.
Located on the ground level.
The Nursery is located on the basement level.