Every week at 10:15am


  • A round-table discussion on the basic studies of Scripture following the Chalmers Center Guide. Currently studying The Jesus Storybook Bible.

  • Currently studying Colossians.

  • Invites current and rising college students.

  • Currently studying Isaiah verse-by-verse.

  • A launch-point for newcomers; no commitment expected. Current study topic is "The Foundational Book of Genesis."

  • Begins with group ice-breaker question, followed by a lesson. Currently studying the Sermon on the Mount.

  • A no-pressure, discussion-based class currently studying 1 Timothy.

  • Fellowship and prayer followed by a study of Lamentations.

  • Class dates back to 1924 and is named after legendary Sunday School teachers J. Park McCallie and Lee Anderson. Currently studying Hosea verse-by-verse.

  • An interactive class studying the book of Hebrews. Lessons are followed by a time of prayer.

  • Focuses on discovering “what sayest the Scripture.” Currently studying John MacArthur’s series, “The Rapture & the Day of the Lord.”

  • Part of the First Friends Ministry, welcomes international college students. Currently studying the Kingdom of God.

  • Current series is "Finding Your Identity in Christ".”

Youth & Children

  • Located in the Student Center across McCallie Avenue.

  • Located on the second floor.

  • Located on the first floor.

  • Located on the ground level.

  • The Nursery is located on the basement level.