Building on a Firm Foundation (1 Corinthians 3:10,11,14) to Reach Chattanooga and the World for Christ
The building shown above dominates the main campus of First Presbyterian Church of Chattanooga at 554 McCallie Avenue. The sanctuary was dedicated in 1910, along with ancillary space, and is where First Pres worships and works, and from which we send and support missionaries locally and worldwide.
Rendering of proposed two-story addition to First Pres campus by Rardin & Carroll Architects.
Generous members from former generations have given this building to us. The structure needs major maintenance and modernization to better serve the present congregation and nearby neighbors, especially the students and faculty of The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. After intensive study and with the approval of the elders, our deacons produced the Master Plan to accomplish these and other objectives. Our stewardship responsibility requires care of the property and its preservation for the use of future generations, so that the church will not need to repeat such a massive undertaking for the next fifty years or more.
The Capital Campaign Committee is a subcommittee of the Diaconate Finance Committee with the goal of raising the funds for the extensive repairs and renovations that the deacons identified through the Master Plan process and subsequent structural investigations. While planning for the facilities’ physical improvements, our major objectives are to enhance the church’s outreach and ministries, all for the glory of our Savior and King, the Founder and Head of His Church, our Lord Jesus Christ!
Members of the Capital Campaign Committee are Pete Austin III and Mike Kramer (Co-Chairmen), Mitch Everhart, Ward Petty, Skip Pond, Randy Shipp, Tom Snow, Kim White, and Senior Pastor Gabe Fluhrer (Ex Officio). The committee is assisted by Campaign Coordinator Cathy Reynolds and Campaign Consultant Dan Nielson from the Canaan Group. Under the prayerful guidance of the Holy Spirit, this committee is dedicated and task-oriented to bring funding for the Master Plan to completion.
To learn more about where we are now in the process, you can reach out to the Committee directly at CapitalCampaign@1stPresbyterian.com.
Rendering of proposed rear remodel of main campus by Rardin & Carroll Architects.
Our Partners
Town Hall Congregational Meeting
Pray for the Capital Campaign Process
Our church leadership is seeking the Lord’s vision for His church in this location and facility that He has given us to steward. Various committees are gathering information and will be making recommendations to help us to be wise stewards and prepare us for future ministry. This is a vital chapter in the life of our church and a time when Satan will be sowing discord, so we ask you to be faithfully holding this process in prayer.
Thankfulness is where we would like to begin. May we take time to thank God for all He has done and continues to do in the life of our church.
Be thankful that God has built and sustained this church for so many years as an instrument to advance His Kingdom.
Be thankful that the truth of God’s Word continues to be boldly proclaimed in this church, and that God has chosen to continue to grow it.
Be thankful that God is moving in our city and calling people to Himself.
Be thankful for the wise and talented men and women who have tirelessly inspected our aging facility, gathered information and made recommendations to help us be wise stewards in preparing for future ministry.
Pray that we will follow God’s leading and sacrificially support the work He is calling us to do, all for God’s glory and for our good.
“Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise!
Give thanks to Him: bless His name!
For the LORD is good;
His steadfast love endures forever,
and His faithfulness to all generations.” Psalm 100:4-5