Every man a Disciple . . . together

At First Pres, we believe that every Christian man is called to be a Disciple. And Discipleship occurs in the context of relationships. Our Men’s Ministry exists to help the men of our church, through real, authentic community with other Christian men, grow in their knowledge and love of God, grow to be more like Christ, and equip them for spiritual service and making disciples in their homes, workplace, and communities.

Join our monthly breakfast

Join us on the first Tuesday of each month during the fall/spring semesters in the Nell Davis Room (downstairs from the Connector) for breakfast, fellowship, and spiritual encouragement. We begin at 7:00am and will have you out the door by 8:00am so that you can start your busy day. Feel free to invite a friend!

For the latest updates on this event, please refer to our calendar.