Providing for our community
Home Missions is First Pres’s outreach ministry, which falls under our Missions Ministry and is led by Pastor of Missions Randy Nabors and Director of Community Outreach Shad Guinn, aims to make disciples in our city by partnering with local ministries and supporting PCA church plants. If you’re interested in getting involved, we suggest you start with our monthly service project Hearts & Hammers.
Our Outreach Ministries
On the third Saturday of each month (except July and December), our congregation (ages 12 and up*) has the opportunity to use their gifts and callings to serve within our church family and the Chattanooga Community on the Hearts & Hammers team. Service projects range from yard work, cleaning, ramp building, and pressure washing, to prayer, financial coaching, rides, errands, and office work.
For more information, contact our Community Outreach Director Shad Guinn.
*If you have children under the age of 12, please contact Shad to see if the work for your month of interest is appropriate for your family.
Rapha is a Diaconate-led ministry that seeks to build relationships with neighbors in need. While conventional mercy ministry relies on financial handouts, Rapha invites neighbors in need into healing relationships with a loving church family.
Jesus made time to listen to the hearts of those who sought help.
Wednesday Deacon appointments offer a golden opportunity to listen to neighbors in need, pray over their situations, and invite them into fellowship with Jesus Christ and His church.Jesus routinely enjoyed a meal with those He came to serve. Wednesday fellowship meals are a key ingredient in nurturing relationships with neighbors in need that grow beyond the need to give or ask for money.
Jesus taught His listeners to abide in Him and live by the Scriptures.
Sunday and Midweek classes are designed as a safe place for neighbors in need to share their struggles, explore God’s word, learn valuable life skills from a Scripture-guided curriculum, and earn course completion rewards toward their need.If you’re interested in joining, please call the church office on Monday mornings starting at 8:30am and ask to leave a voicemail for the Rapha Ministry assistant, Pam Adams. On Tuesday, you should receive a callback for a listening appointment on Wednesday at 4:30pm, where you’ll be able to speak with one of our Deacons about your situation and enroll in our program.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Shad Guinn.
Kids Hope USA is a national Christian organization that, for more than thirty years, has been partnering with churches to send trained mentors into elementary schools. At FPCC, Kids Hope mentors are members or regular attenders of our congregation that each spend one hour a week during the school year as an intentional friend with a purpose, reading and talking with, playing and listening to a child at Orchard Knob Elementary School. Meeting regularly with a child that lives in the socio-educational-economic margins of Chattanooga can be life changing for both mentor and child! Mentors are given training and continual support, and are assigned a dedicated Prayer Partner. If you would like to be a blessing to a child as a mentor or Prayer Partner, contact the Program Director Cheri Partain for more information.
Children from the neighborhoods in the Orchard Knob Elementary School (OKES) school zone need to hear The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many of them will benefit from the consistent (week after week) presence of dedicated Christian adults (and possibly teens who participate) as role models. We have a need to be sharing the Gospel and investing our lives in those around us. "The Good News Club" is a national initiative to bring the Gospel to children. To learn more visit www.cefonline.com or email Nancy Hill.
Our Partnered Ministries
The Mission of Chatt Foundation is to meet the most basic needs of the hungry, homeless and vulnerable people in our community while offering a clear path to self-sufficiency. For more information, please visit www.homelesschattanooga.org or email Shad Guinn.
Vision of Mercy provides services to the homeless community in the greater area of Chattanooga, TN. Our Mission is to restore hope and dignity to those who are altered by conflict to survive. Our vision is to assist and improve the lives of people who are experiencing homelessness. We serve individuals who are displaced from their families, homes, and society while assisting them with everyday essential needs such as food, tents, blankets, raincoats, shelter, and medication. For more information please visit www.visionofmercy.com or email Shad Guinn.
Join us as we meet on Fridays at First Pres for prayer at 9:00 am, then drive as a group to the Salvation Army on McCallie Avenue. We provide music, a devotion, and breakfast for approximately 30 individuals. Salvation Army's Case workers also send screen referrals for consideration for financial assistance. This ministry includes sharing The Good News of Jesus Christ, encouragement, friendship, counseling, and prayer. For more information contact Hugh Huffaker.