Preparing children (infants - 5th grade) for a life-long faith
We need volunteers!
We make it our top priority in Children’s Ministry to provide a safe environment for kids. Besides sharing Jesus with your children, our main goal is to be good stewards of them. We regularly revisit our policies and procedures to ensure this. Your children are in good hands! All youth and adults serving in this ministry are required to have a current background check. Additionally, child protection training and familiarity with and adherence to our church’s child protection policy are required of all. New volunteers and staff must complete an application process that includes providing references. Another critical component of child safety is our KidCheck child check-in and check-out system. We invite you to create a KidCheck account, which will make the check-in and check-out process each week run smoothly, especially if you’re new.
We live as disciples to make the magnificent truth, beauty, and goodness of Jesus and His gospel known to our kids from nursery through 5th grade so that God would be glorified in Chattanooga and to the ends of the earth, and so that lives would be transformed by His great power. Alongside our Sunday School classes, we also offer Children’s Church for ages 4 through 1st grade, a Midweek children’s program, a Communicants Class, Vacation Bible School each summer, and other family-friendly special events. We value
We are always looking for volunteers to help run the various facets of our Children's Ministry! All volunteers are required to attend a training and are subject to a background check. Please fill out the interest form below to indicate how often and where you can volunteer, or sign up for a shift!